Look at 99% of your makeup, lotions, hair products, sprays, cleaners, candles, air fresheners and they all have perfume or fragrance in them. 

There are studies coming out that are saying fragrance causes damage to us and it’s in EVERYTHING.  I still don’t know why my dish soap needs to have dyes in it and smell good, I just need it to get the yuck off my dishes.  I know for me man made fragrances immediately causes headaches, can cause skin issues on myself and my kids.  They are saying it is also a hazard for our respiratory system similar to second hand smoke. 

This is an easy fix. DITCH anything that has fragrance or parfum on the label. Companies are catching on that people want better, healthier options so you can search on www.ewg.org.  I love Young Living stuff of course because the scents they do put in are essential oils.  Be cautious also when looking to switch because there are essential oils that are fragrant oils, so this is just another way to say fragrance. 

Don’t freak out!  You can detox from years of use of these products just naturally over time and you can do detox foods too.  That’s for another post.

You can also save money by making your own room sprays, body sprays and lotions.  I have never been successful making shampoo or conditioner, but I get plant based unscented ones and I can put my Young Loving oils that I love in.  Rosemary, cedarwood and lavender are great for your hair. 

So I’ve shared my basic spray mix that I use and you can modify it based on your needs or what room you are using it in.

DIY Body & Room Spray with essential oils

For every 2 oz

  • 1 tbsp witch hazel
  • up to 20 drops of your mixture or choice of essential oils
  • fill with distilled water
  • I stir it up every time I use it

You can use this recipe to even make an outdoor summer spray like when camping or at ball games or in the woods.

This is what I use in our home

Bugs: combo of tea tree, citronella, purification blend, lemongrass

Bathrooms, shoes or stinky areas: purification + orange

Bedrooms for calming: lavender, cedarwood, valor, frankincense

Floral Body spray: geranium, joy blend, ylang ylang

Stressed out: stress away blend + a few drops of lime, valor + northern lights black spruce

Need a wake up or to workout: combos of any citrus oil with peppermint or spearmint, you can add eucalyptus and rosemary.

Fresh and clean: lemon + bergamot + spearmint, citrus fresh blend just by itself

You can order any of these oils here.

I really encourage you to start tossing anything in your house that has fragrance or parfum on the label. Your body will thank you for this small simple change. You can research for yourself anywhere about the hazards of them and what exposure can do to upset the body. The other part is so many are very sensitive to fragrance these days when you have guest it can cause them headaches or issues immediately, I know this is the way it is for me, candles or wax burners or room sprays can bring on major headaches.

Try out a DIY spray and comment with what you used and how you like it.

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