8 Instant Mood Boosters for the Cranky Mama

As mamas we set the mood for our home. I dislike this but if you pause and think, it’s true! So the last month I’ve been rather unpleasant for my people to be around. Being a stay at home mom it’s hard to motivate yourself to get around in the morning and get ready for the day, I mean you aren’t going anywhere super special.  Maybe to run the kids around or a few errands but no need to waste time getting on real non-workout clothing and putting on some makeup right? It’s a sad cycle I go through, it’s pitiful at its worst and does not show that I’m a thankful steward of what God has provided me.

Now I’m not suggesting putting on a show to make everyone think you are doing wonderful, when maybe you are battling some depression or anxiety, both of which I unfortunately had small seasons of this summer. We can do hard things mama, we have good bodies that do so much. We are the WORST at allowing ourselves grace, forgiveness and starting over, even in the middle of the day to allow God’s mercy to wash us clean and begin again.

I get so frustrated repeating the same instructions to our kids, or doing the same meals, dishes, laundry, cleaning, running around. It’s honestly very boring most of the time and I struggle to want to keep going. We must keep going, and in the season you are in you need to find those uplifting instant mood boosters and things you can do to allow a moment to reset and give yourself the encouragement to keep going, just keep swimming.

So here is a quick list of instant mood boosters for moms that I’ve found helpful and I would love to hear yours.

1- Take the shower, put on the nicer clothes, even some shoes, makeup, fix the hair, jewelry if you like.  

A shower immediately helps me, why is that? I don’t keep up with fashion trends, but getting out of the running shorts and tanks to jeans and a nicer shirt where I have to wear a real bra makes me automatically more productive and hold myself a little taller.  Also keeps “the girls” a little higher.

If I know it’s going to be a cleaning, mowing or just dirty day. I will still wear the workout clothes, but you can put on shoes and socks. Crazy how that makes it easier for me move more for some reason. 

I like wearing a regular non smart watch, then I’m not dependent on my phone.  Earrings, even studs that don’t get in the way when doing household chores are another thing that make me feel like a real working person.  Please don’t tell me I’m the only one that feels this way!

Makeup, maybe just blush, eyeliner and mascara, but it brings some color to my face. 

The mom bun is easy but so is running the straightener through my hair.  Some days though a good hat works too, keep a few around.

2- Go do a cartwheel

Yes you can do it! Or if this may cause you injury, try skipping, galloping, some silly movement you would have done on the playground as a child.  Trampoline time is a way to make me smile and helps your lymphatic system move.  Your kids will love this fun time with you if you want to include them.

I’m expecting to receive videos of your cartwheels!

3- Crank up the music

 We all have those few songs that make us shake and break out into song. Find those, make a playlist, mine is called Dance Mama.  Christian worship music also gives me a moment to pause and thank God, pray and this always will help me refocus on the goodness in life. 

Musicals, Megan Trainer, AC/DC it’s a random assortment in this household but a good dance party will boost everyone in your home.

4- Essential Oils

 You knew I would go there! Citrus oils with Peppermint are known to boost moods and give energy. 

Here are the combos you need and I’m constantly refilling! Here is where you can get them from Young Living

For the diffuser: Instant Mood Boosters

  • Citrus Fresh plus Peppermint
  • Bergamot plus Peppermint
  • Believe
  • Abundance
  • Motivation

To rub on my chest and neck, sometimes every 20 min for up to an hour. I use 2-4 drops. A little goes a long way!

  • Joy
  • Valor
  • Stress Away

5- Go outside and walk or 10 min of exercise or movement

My favorites at this stage in life because they require no equipment and I usually don’t get sweaty so they can be thrown in at any time of day are….  

Robin Long with the Balanced Life Pilates, I am part of her Sisterhood group and you can get $20 off here, but she has free videos too. 

Yoga with Adriene has so many free videos check her out!

Walking without your phone can help reset your mind and mood. Just feel the breeze, praise God, pray and breathe.

6- Supplements

I have a B complex I take daily, from pure encapsulations, and will throw in an extra dose in if I’m just ugh feeling.  The good thing about B vitamins is they are water soluble, which means your body just takes what it needs and you pee out the rest. 

A Chinese herb my naturopath recommended for my super stressed husband and myself is this teapill, Free and Easy Wanderer Plus. I throw down 10-12 if I’m feeling like my tolerance for my crew is very thin and in 20 min I can’t explain it, except I notice I’m more chill.

Nature’s Sunshine has 2 different powdered supplements that you can throw into a glass of water that help me for sure.
Solstic Revive helps replenish what’s lost through exercise and stress.
Solstic Immune boosts the immune system which if it’s not running at its full potential you may be dragging. This will make you more susceptible to getting sick.
Follow my link to Nature’s Sunshine and you can get 25% off your 1st order with code “NSP”

Water with fresh squeezed lemon and/or lime replenishes you and hydrates. Sometimes we are crabs because we are dehydrated.

I also must state, I am not a doctor and if you are unsure please consult with your preferred medical specialist before adding anything in.

7- Ditch the screens and social media

Put your phone AWAY, leave it on silent and just check on it right before meals. The FREEDOM this gives is crazy.  I HATE how attached I am to my phone, we think we’ll miss out but it will be there when we check later.  God will honor you being a good steward of your time and brain power.

I listen to several podcasters who talk about ditching social media on weekends and sometimes they will delete daily once done with their work.  I have gone 1 week here and there where I delete Facebook off my phone, only checking on my laptop.  I don’t miss anything!  I gain so much peace. We are not meant to consume as much info as we now do.  Our brains can’t handle it.  So if you are feeling on edge, ditch the phone.

I want to know if you are planning to do that!

8- Watch Funny Cat Videos

 I saved the best instant mood boosters for last!  I can’t tell you how much I’ve  laughed until I’ve cried watching dumb cat videos, there are some hilarious squirrel ones too. My 30th birthday my sisters and I drank wine around a fire pit and watched hours of cat videos.  It was the best! 

The real point is, just find something to make you laugh.

I hope you find a few of these you can add in to help when you just aren’t digging life or the mom gig at the moment. I love my Jesus, but sometimes I let satan sneak in and speak to me and it’s hard to get out of that.  This shouldn’t be, I’m still learning, praying and figuring out how to use that power Christ has put in all of us to turn away from sin. 

These are simple things, but I understand you might need more. Maybe you really can’t even get out of bed or feel motivated to do anything or you experience chronic pain or illness, trauma etc.  Seek out help from a good Christian counselor or a medical provider that will listen to you and maybe see if you have some labs that are off.  God did not intend any life to be miserable and angry.  Don’t punish yourself or your family with guilt or shame from past choices or mistakes.  You don’t belong there! 

Go start with a cartwheel and some journaling and prayer and God will guide you.  Reach out to some of your best support people and tell them, pray with them, ask them to pray for you.  If you feel you have no one, please please reach out to me and I’m no specialist but I will pray with you and for you when you feel like you just can’t.

Stay well, 
