Why Essential Oils?

Keeping a family healthy is a rough job. Taking care of the planet the best way I can based on where we live is a process where I’m constantly learning.

I cloth diapered my last 3 kids, doing what I could from the home front after switching to full-time mom at home, to be a better steward of our planet’s resources and our personal finances. This led me to new Facebook groups, Googling and Pinterest where I questioned what I was putting on my children and its safety including lotion, shampoo, diaper cream. I wanted to try some alternatives and save money. Keeping those 2 priorities in mind that meant no buying at the health foods stores because their price was higher and I lived over an hour away from the closest one. So I DIY’ed the heck out of personal care products for my kids, myself and my cleaning products for my home.

A recurring ingredient I needed was essential oils. Now my over analyzing brain went to work on researching a company. My final decision was Young Living. I will not argue that there are not other good reputable companies out there, this was the best decision for our family based on how often we purchase, how the company gets their products and other items the company has available like supplements. Plus there were so many recipes out there for my DIY stuff that used the Young Living blends.

Essential oils are super concentrated powerful parts of plants that help protect and keep the plant themselves healthy. They are in liquid form as opposed to herbs which are dried parts of the plants we make teas and supplements from. They work perfect to put in my DIY face wash, lotions, room sprays, cleaner and more so I get the benefit of that plant being used. I recommend a good reference book to help you figure out what plants are best for your needs.

I’m in a rural community so what I was now using and being a Mom of 5 small kids people wanted to know more and try it out and I had them come over to learn how to make their own. Over the last few years it’s turned into a passion of mine to help educate on safer alternatives from what we use to just take for granted as “safe” off the shelves in our stores.

My purpose now for my Oil Groupies Members, my small community and even this web page is to support people with education on how to care for their body so they feel more empowered when it comes to their health choices. I do this through classes, courses, groups, blog posts, one on one meetings where the discussions lead to expanding your knowledge about your body! When you know better, you can do better and then be better.

If you want to get started with essential oils in your life I recommend one of Young Living’s Premium Starter kits (I started with the dew drop one with oils). They are the most cost effective way to go and the bonus of you following my link is that I will help you learn how to get started and to put them to use. I will also send you my personalized welcome kit. This is the other part of why I choose Young Living is there is help and assistance EVERYWHERE!

Follow this link to Young Living and in less than 10 min your kit will be on the way to your home. Just select wholesale member so you get 24% off and requires, no monthly fees or orders or selling!

Follow me on FB: Grace and Wellness to search through all the info and my DIY recipes I’ve found over the years for everyday Mom life.

On Instagram @hjthompson81 search through my highlights section

Essential Oils and this whole journey of healthier living options have taught me how to stay well. I wish the same for you.