DIY Foaming Face & Body Wash For Pre-Teen Son

Pre-teen and teen boys, they stink literally!  My son’s feet have been wretched for several years and every here and there I have a DIY purification spray for his shoes that we give them a good spray over.  In this season of 7th grade 2020, wearing a mask to school all day, hormones and this week starting wrestling practice his face in particular but his whole body is in need of a special mix to tackle the yuck that comes with all the before mentioned issues.

For years I have been very picky about what we are putting on our body in regards to lotions, soaps, washes, etc.  Organic and Natural products from the store and even from my favorite Young Living can be a little pricy for a family of any size especially when you are suppling for a crew of 7.  5 of these 7 people still have issues with the more will do more thought process (like overusing my expensive products or wasting) So over the years I’ve found many good DIY recipes that work great.  I can’t recall where this one came from but I’ll tell you I did not create it!  I have tweaked it some as needed and based on the time of year, I’ll explain later.

Here is the PDF version so you can just print it off.  I keep all my DIY’s in a 3 ring notebook in plastic covers just like my food recipes.   The recipe below contains links to where you can find  the ingredients (click the word highlighted in blue)

Foaming Face & Body Wash:

**Add ingredients in the order listed. Stir gently. Castile soap and honey will cause mixture to look cloudy.  Pour the mixture into your foaming soap dispenser.

1 or 2 pumps when washing as it is very concentrated. Discard contents after 1 month (I’ve kept longer and it’s been fine) or if you notice any unfavorable changes.  Mixture will separate so give a little shake before each use.

NOTE: Combination can be adjusted based on your skin.  Drier skin may need less castile/ more water and or oil.  Or in summer months we tend to be more oily and dirty, add more castile soap.

This pairs great with a body scrub 1 time a week to help exfoliate the dead skin cells.

Many of the “ingredients” like castile soap and jojoba can be used in other DIY recipes, including foaming hand soap.  The essential oils will last years, but once you get in the groove they will be used up long before that.

Really this can be used for anyone not just stinky growing boys.  In the summer sometimes I use it on my body because just being outside more, sweating, dirt build up and my arms, chest and upper back will break out.

You don’t need an expense formula from the store or an infomercial to have great looking skin!  It’s also important to remember our food and water intake makes a huge difference.  Dairy is a big culprit that contributes to acne and of course sugar.  So along with a great recipe like the one above, ditching a few foods may be beneficial.   Our rule around here is to give the food changes 2-3 weeks and see what’s going on with the body then.

Let me know if you tried this and what you thought!

Stay well- Hannah